About Us

Since April 2003 Marathon Turf Company has established a modern turf nursery producing very high quality lawn turf ROLAWN has since become the brand of choice for many professional landscapers.

Grown and produced in
Te Kauwhata, New Zealand

The Turf Nursery

All our ROLAWN is grown on premium quality soils at our farm. These free draining sandy loam soils are as good as it gets for turf production. The soil is laboratory tested prior to each crop so that nutrient levels can be balanced. This maximises growing efficiency and minimises environmental impact.

Seed Selection

We select seed from the best grass varieties which possess the characteristics we demand in our turf. Independent laboratory testing is carried out on each seed line prior to acceptance to ensure it meets criteria for the following:-

Seed Purity, Germination and High Endophyte


We take 12 months to produce a crop of ROLAWN lawn turf. Throughout this process we monitor weed and pest levels and treat them at the appropriate time. We feed the crop each month with the correct nutrients for its stage of growth.

Once established, the crop is mown frequently (approx. 80 times) to promote strong, close growth. The final mowing is carried out within 48 hours of harvest using precision mowers to give a clean leaf cut.

At ROLAWN most production processes are carried out using GPS control to optimise efficiency and minimise any environmental impact.

Our Quality Guarantee

We set ourselves a benchmark for quality. In the absence of a New Zealand standard we adopted the UK Turf Growers Association (TGA) quality standards.

TGA standards cover these key indicators:

Soil Classification

Suitable types of soil for producing turf for landscape use are peats, sands, and loams containing less than 40% clay particle as determined by soil particle analysis. Turf grown on clay soils is not suitable for general landscape use.


Only stated varietal cultivars should be used for turf production. General health of the sward: the sward must be green and not visibly affected by pest or disease.

Thatch Thickness

Uncompressed thatch should not exceed 10mm.


To demonstrate strength, it should be possible to lift a turf from its shortest side. At least 19 out of 20 rolls should be capable of being carried, unrolled and placed in position without breaking. If netting is used in the turf it must be declared.

Cutting height

The height of the sward at harvest should not exceed 35mm


1 sqm of turf should always weigh less than 20kg.


Turf roll size tolerance must be within 5% of its stated dimensions, and be free of physical damage.

Delivery and Installation

Turf should be delivered to the site within 24 hours of harvest and unrolled within 12 hours of delivery.

Talk to us today for more information

Contact Us

0800 765 296

42 Goodin Road, RD 1
Te Kauwhata 3781